NaftoServ shall maintain the highest safety standard and protect health of our employees and others associated with our operations. Operations shall be conducted according to sound and environmental principles and in a manner to minimize any adverse environmental impact.
This will be achieved by:
Complying with HSE legislation and other relevant requirements
Avoiding personnel injury and harm to health and reducing environmental risks through effective risk management
Monitoring, reviewing and continually improving HSE performance through management by objectives
Ensuring safety leadership and environmental stewardship are a prioritized part of management responsibility
Developing an HSE culture based on competence, involvement and commitment from all in applying the NaftoServ HSE rules:
I will always wear PPE at work places as per HSE signs
I will always comply with rules and procedures
I will always risk assess my work
I will always act when I see unsafe behavior and conditions
Developing and maintaining emergency response plans to prevent loss to the environment
Promoting use of environmentally preferable processes and technologies

Azmi Hawik , CEO NaftoServ
Through continuous improvement achieve zero fault.

Environmental principles

The following environmental principles supporting the HSE Policy are defined:

Use energy and other natural resources efficiently.

Minimize waste generation and promote, reduce, reuse and recycle opportunities.

Work systematically to replace or reduce harmful chemicals.

Integrate environmental considerations into planning and development of new activities and products.

Consider environmental performance in selecting suppliers and contractors.


These principles shall be taken into account in developing the environmental management system and programs